Seabird Ecology Group University of Liverpool

PhD Opportunities
We are lucky enough to be part of a NERC DTP: 'Adapting to the Challenges of a Changing Environment'. Projects funded by this DTPS are advertised every October but we are always keen to hear from students, who may be interesting in pursuing a PhD in our group, throughout the year. Our department also supports PhD students with overseas funding and self funded students.
Masters Students
Each year we have MSc and MRes students from the University of Liverpool, other UK institutions, and from overseas. We are always keen to hear from students who may like to do their masters project with us and we have a series of ongoing projects around the world including in the Arctic, the Antarctic, the Caribbean and the UK.
Post Docs and Fellows
The University of Liverpool strongly supports fellowship applications from individuals and is currently formalising their commitment to their future career development. Within our group we have several on going applications for post doctoral funding and have successfully been involved in several fellowship bids. Any early career scientist interested in working with us is encouraged to contact the group as we have experience with different schemes and can help support and develop applications.