Seabird Ecology Group University of Liverpool
Seabird Ecology Group, University of Liverpool
Our research interests are diverse and varied, and include previous and ongoing projects on behaviour, life-history strategies, evolution and physiology. Many of our projects are applied, with a strong conservation focus.
We work all over the world with a diversity of collaborators from universities, governments and NGOs. Take a look at our individual members for further details and follow us on Twitter for most recent updates on project outputs and opportunities.
Recent Publications
Van de Walle, J., Sun, R., Fay, R., Patrick, S. C., Barbraud, C., Delord, K., Weimerkirch, H., & Jenouvrier, S. (2024). The impact of boldness on demographic rates and life-history outcomes in the wandering albatross. Journal of Animal Ecology, 00, 1–15.
Delord K, Barbraud C, Pinaud P, Rualt S, Patrick SC, Weimerskirch H. 2024. Individual consistency in the non-breeding behaviour of a long-distance migrant seabird, the Grey Petrel Procellaria cinerea. Marine Ornithology.
PJ Lewin, J Wynn, JM Arcos, RE Austin, J Blagrove, S Bond, G Carrasco, K Delord, L Fisher-Reeves, D Garcia, N Gillies, T Guilford, I Hawkins, P Jaggers, C Kirk, M Louzao, L Maurice, M McMinn, T Micol, J Morford, G Morgan, J Moss, EM Riera, A Rodriguez, K Siddiqi-Davies, H Weimerskirch, RB Wynn, O Padget. 2024. Climate change drives migratory range shift via individual plasticity in shearwaters. Procesdings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Thaxter CB, Green RMW, Collier MP, Taylor RC, Middelveld RP, Scragg ES, Wright LJ, Cook ASCP, Fijn RC. 2024. Behavioural responses of Sandwich terns following the construction of offshore wind farms. Marine Biology.
Syposz M & Padget O, 2023. The fate of rescued Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus following grounding. Seabird. DOI:
Dunn RE, Duckworth J, Green JA. 2023. A framework to unlock marine bird energetics. Journal of Experimental Biology.
McCully FR, Descamps S, Harris SM, Mckendrick F, Gillies N, Cornell SJ, Hatchwell BJ, Patrick SC. 2023. Links between personality, reproductive success and re‐pairing patterns in a long‐lived seabird. Ethology.
Gillies N, Martin López LM, den Ouden OFC, Assink JD, Basille M, Clay TA, Clusella-Trullas S, Joo R, Weimerskirch H, Zampolli M, Zeyl JN, Patrick S. Albatross movement suggets sensitivity to infrasound cues at sea. 2023. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Cleasby IR.... Green JA...., Mark Bolton. 2023. Assessing the importance of individual‐and colony‐level variation when using seabird foraging ranges as impact assessment and conservation tools. Ibis.
Darby JH, Clairbaux M, Quinn JL, Thompson P, Quinn L, Cabot D, Strom H, Thorarinsson TL, Kempf J, Jessopp MJ. 2023. Decadal increase in vessel interactions by a scavenfing pelagic seabird across the North Atlantic. Current Biology.
Johnston DT, Thaxter CB, Boersch-Supan PH, Davies JG, Clewley GD, Green RMW, Shamoun-Baranes J, Cook, ASCP, Burton NHK, Humphreys EM. 2023. Flight heights obtained from GPS verses altimeters influence estimates of collision risk with offshore wind turbines in Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus. Movement ecology.
Chen S, Liu Y, Patrick SC, Goodale E, Safran RJ, Pagani-Nunez E. A multidimensional framework to quantify the effects of urbanization on avian breeding fitness. Ecology and Evolution.
Miler M... Austin R, Green JA.... Congdon B. 2023. Refining seabird marine protected areas by predicting habitat inside foraging range-a case study from the global tropics. Authorea Preprints.
Gillies N, Weimerskirch H, Thorley J, Clay TA, Martin López LM, Rocío Joo, Mathieu Basille, Patrick SC. Boldness predicts plasticity in flight responses to winds. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Hicks O, Akiko K, Wisniewska DM, Marciau C, Angelier F, Ropert-Coudert Y, Hegemann A. Holding time has limited impact on constitutive innate immune function in a long-lived Antarctic seabird, the Adélie penguin: implications for field studies. Biology Open.
Beal M, Catry P, Phillips RA, Oppel S, Arnould JPY, Bogdanova MI, Bolton M, Carneiro APB, Clatterbuck C,
Conners M, Daunt F, Delord K, Elliott K, Fromant A, Granadeiro JP, Green JA... & Dias MP. Quantifying annual spatial consistency in chick-rearing seabirds to inform important site identification. Biological Conservation.
Buckingham L, Daunt F, Bogdanova MI, Furness RW, Bennett S, Duckworth J, Dunn RE, Wanless S, Harris MP, Jardine DC, Newell MA, Ward RM, Weston ED, Green JA. Energetic synchrony throughout the non‐breeding season in common guillemots from four colonies. Journal of Avian Biology.
McCully FR & Rose PE. Individual personality predicts social network assemblages in a colonial bird. Scientific Reports.
Weimerskirch H, Corbeau A, Pajot A, Patrick SC & Collet J. Albatrosses develop attraction to fishing vessels during immaturity but avoid them at old age. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290, e9621.
Hentati-Sundberg J, Olin AB, Reddy S, Berglund P-A, Svensson E, Reddy M, Kasarareni S, Carlsen AA, Hanes M, Kad S & Olsson O. Seabird surveillance: combining CCTV and artificial intelligence for monitoring and research. Remote Sens Ecol Conserv.
Carlsen AA, Lorentsen SH, Mattisson J & Wright J. Temporal non-independence of foraging dive and surface duration sequences in the European shag Gulosus aristotelis. Ethology, 129, 254– 268.
Allegue H, Guinet C, Patrick SC, Ribout C, Bichet C, Lepais O, Reale D. 2022. Offspring sex ratio increases with male reproductive success in the polygynous southern elephant seals. EcoEvoRxiv.
Descamps S, Harris SM, Fluhr J, Bustamante P, Cherel Y, Trevail AM, Brault-Favrou M & Patrick SC. Variation in Antarctic Petrel Foraging Ecology: Not All Individuals Specialize on Krill. Frontiers in Marine Science.
De Pascalis F, Austin RE, Green JA, Arnould JPY, Imperio S, Maugeri M, Haakonsson J, Cecere JG & Rubolini D. Influence of rainfall on foraging behavior of a tropical seabird. Behavioral Ecology.
McCully FR, Weimerskirch H, Cornell SJ, Hatchwell BJ, Cairo M, & Patrick SC. Partner intrinsic characteristics influence foraging trip duration, but not coordination of care in wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9621.
Ruijiao S, Van de Walle J, Patrick SC, Christophe B, Weimerskirch H, Delord K & Jenouvrier S. Boldness predicts divorce rates in wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans). Biology Letters.182022030120220301.
Bennett S, Harris MP, Wanless S, Green JA, Newell MA, Searle KR, & Daunt F. Earlier and more frequent occupation of breeding sites during the non-breeding season increases breeding success in a colonial seabird. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9213.
Duckworth J, O’Brien S, Petersen IK, Petersen A, Benediktsson G, Johnson L, Lehikoinen P, Okill D, Väisänen R, Williams J, Williams S, Daunt F, & Green JA. Winter locations of red-throated divers from geolocation and feather isotope signatures. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9209.
Dunn RE, Green JA, Wanless S, Harris MP, Newell MA, Bogdanova MI, Horswill C, Daunt F, Matthiopoulos J. Modelling and mapping how common guillemots balance their energy budgets over a full annual cycle. Functional Ecology, 36, 1612– 1626.
Bennett S, Wanless S, Harris MP, Newell MA, Searle K, Green JA & Daunt F. Site‐dependent regulation of breeding success: evidence for the buffer effect in the common guillemot, a colonially‐breeding seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Buckingham L, Bogdanova MI, Green JA, Dunn RE, Wanless S, Bennett S, Bevan RM, Call A, Canham M, Corse CJ, Harris MP, Heward CJ, Jardine DC, Lennon J, Parnaby D, Redfern CPF, Scott L, Swann RL, Ward RM, Weston ED, Furness RW & Daunt F. Interspecific variation in non-breeding aggregation: a multi-colony tracking study of two sympatric seabirds. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Dunn RE, Buckingham L., Bogdanova MI, Daunt F. & Newell MA. Two observations of acorn barnacles attached to GLS loggers on seabirds in the North Atlantic. Seabird.
Green, RMW, Burton, NHK & Cook ASCP. Migratory movements of British and Irish Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna: a review of ringing data and a pilot tracking study to inform potential interactions with offshore wind farms in the North Sea. Ringing & Migration.
Pollock CJ, Lane JV, Buckingham L, Garthe S, Jeavons R, Furness RW & Hamer KC. Risks to different populations and age classes of gannets from impacts of offshore wind farms in the southern North Sea. Marine Environmental Research.
Green RE, Taggart MA, Pain DJ, Clark NA, Clewley L, Cromie R, Elliot B., Green RMW, Huntley B, Huntley J. & Leslie R. Effect of a joint policy statement by nine UK shooting and rural organisations on the use of lead shotgun ammunition for hunting common pheasants Phasianus colchicus in Britain. Conservation Evidence Journal.
Trevail, AM, Green, JA, Bolton, M, Daunt, F, Harris, SM, Miller, PI, Newton, S, Owen, E, Polton, JA, Robertson, G, Sharples, J and Patrick, SC. Environmental heterogeneity promotes individual specialism in habitat selection in a widely distributed seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Duckworth, J, O'Brien, S, Petersen, IK, Petersen, A, Benediktsson, G, Johnson, L, Lehikoinen, P, Okill, D, Väisänen, R, Williams, J, Williams, S, Daunt, F and Green, JA. Spatial and temporal variation in foraging of breeding red-throated divers. Journal of Avian Biology.
Austin RE, De Pascalis F, Votier SC, Haakonsson J, Arnould JPY, Ebanks-Petrie G, Newton J, Harvey J & Green JA. Interspecific and infraspecific foraging differentiation in neighbouring tropical seabirds. Movement Ecology.
Clark, BL, Cox, SL, Atkins, KM, Bearhop, S, Bicknell, AW, Bodey, TW, Patrick, SC ... & Votier, S. C. Sexual segregation of gannet foraging over 11 years: movements vary but isotopic differences remain stable. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Beal, M, Dias, MP., Phillips, RA., Oppel, S, Hazin, C, Pearmain, EJ, Clay, TA... & Catry, P. Global political responsibility for the conservation of albatrosses and large petrels. Science Advances.
Hämäläinen, AM, Guenther, A, Patrick, SC, & Schuett, W. Environmental effects on the covariation among pace‐of‐life traits. Ethology.
Harris, SM, Descamps, S, Sneddon, LU, Cairo, M, Bertrand, P, & Patrick, SC. Personality-specific carry-over effects on breeding. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Grémillet, D, Péron, C, Lescroel, A, Fort, J, Patrick, SC, Besnard, A, & Provost, P. No way home: collapse in northern gannet survival rates point to critical marine ecosystem perturbation. Marine Biology.
Merrall, ES, & Evans, KL. Anthropogenic noise reduces avian feeding efficiency and increases vigilance along an urban‐rural gradient regardless of species' tolerances to urbanisation. Journal of Avian Biology.
Hämäläinen, A, Guenther, A, Patrick, SC, & Schuett, W. Environmental effects on the covariation among pace-of-life traits. EcoEvoRxiv.
Patrick SC, Corbeau, A, Réale D, & Weimerskirch H. Coordination in parental effort decreases with age in a long‐lived seabird. Oikos.
Frankish CK, Phillips RA, Clay TA, Somveille M, Manica A. Environmental drivers of movement in a threatened seabird: insights from a mechanistic model and implications for conservation. Diversity and Distributions.
Carravieri A, Burthe SJ, de la Vega C, Yonehara Y, Daunt F, Newell MA, Jeffreys RM, Lawlor AJ, Hunt A, Shore RF, Pereira G, Green JA. Interactions between Environmental Contaminants and Gastrointestinal Parasites: Novel Insights from an Integrative Approach in a Marine Predator. Environmental Science & Technology.
Clay TA, Joo R, Weimerskirch H, Phillips RA, den Ouden O, Basille M, Clusella-Trullas S, Assink JD, Patrick SP. Sex‐specific effects of wind on the flight decisions of a sexually dimorphic soaring bird. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Jones TB, Green JA, Patrick SC, Evans JC, Wells MR, Rodríguez‐Malagón, MA, Arnould JPY. Consistent sociality but flexible social associations across temporal and spatial foraging contexts in a colonial breeder. Ecology Letters.
Handley J, Pearmain EJP, Oppel S, Carneiro APB, Hazin C, Phillips RA, Ratcliffe N, Staniland I, Clay TA, Hall J, Scheffer A, Fedak M, Boehme L, Pütz K, Belchier M, Boyd I, Trathan P, Dias M. Evaluating the effectiveness of a large multi-use MPA in protecting key biodiversity areas for marine predators. Diversity and Distributions.
Dunn RE, Wanless S, Daunt F, Harris MP, Green JA. A year in the life of a North Atlantic seabird: behavioural and energetic adjustments during the annual cycle. Scientific Reports 10, 5993.
Zeyl JN, den Ouden O, Koppl C, Assink J, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Patrick SC, Clusella-Trullas S. Infrasonic hearing in birds: a review of audiometry and hypothesized structure-function relationships. Biological Reviews.
Carneiro APB, Pearmain EJ, Oppel S, Clay TA et al. (42 other authors). A framework for mapping the distribution of Southern Ocean seabirds across life-history stages, by integrating tracking, demography and phenology. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Weimerskirch H, Collet J, Corbeau A, Pajot A, Hoarau F, Marteau C, Filippi D, Patrick SC. Ocean sentinel albatrosses locate illegal vessels and provide the first estimate of the extent of nondeclared fishing. PNAS.
Börger L, Bijleveld AI, Fayet AL, Machovsky-Capuska GE, Patrick SC, Street GM, Vander Wal E. Biologging Special Feature. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Harris SM, Descamps S, Sneddon LU, Bertrand P, Chastel O, Patrick SC. Personality predicts foraging site fidelity and trip repeatability in a marine predator. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Collins PM, Green JA, Elliott KH, Shaw PJA, Chivers L, Hatch SA, Halsey LG. Coping with the commute: Behavioural responses to wind conditions in a foraging seabird. Journal of Avian Biology.
Busdieker KM, Patrick SC, Trevail AM, Descamps S. Prey density affects predator foraging strategy in an Antarctic ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution.
Carravieri A, Bustamante P, Labadie P, Budzinski H, Chastel O, Cherel Y. Trace elements and persistent organic pollutants in chicks of 13 seabird species from Antarctica to the subtropics. Environment International, 134: 105225.
Borrmann RM, Phillips RA, Clay TA, Garthe S. High foraging site fidelity and spatial segregation among individual great black-backed gulls. Journal of Avian Biology.
Austin RE, Wynn RB, Votier SC, Trueman C, McMinn M, Rodriguez A, Suberg L, Maurice L, Newton J, Genovart M, Peron C, Gremillet D, Guillford T. Patterns of at-sea behaviour at a hybrid zone between two threatened seabirds. Scientific Reports. 9:14720.
Joo R, Boone M, Clay TA, Patrick SC, Clusella-Trullas S, Basille M. Navigating through the R packages for movement. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Roth AM, Firth JA, Patrick SC, Cole EF, Sheldon BC. Partner's age, not social environment, predicts extrapair paternity in wild great tits (Parus major). Behavioural Ecology.
Williams HJ, Taylor LA, Benhamou S, Bijleveld AI, Clay TA, de Grissac S, Demsar U, English HE, Franconi N, Gomez-Laich A, Griffiths RC, Kay WP, Morales JM, Potts JR, Rogerson KF, Rutz C, Spelt A, Trevail AM, Wilson R, Borger L. Optimising the use of bio-loggers for movement ecology research. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Clay TA, Small C, Tuck GN, Pardo D, Carneiro APB, Wood AG, Croxal JP, Crossin GT, Phillips RA. A comprehensive large‐scale assessment of fisheries bycatch risk to threatened seabird populations. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Portugal SJ, White CR, Frappell PB, Green JA, Butler PJ. Impacts of "supermoon" events on the physiology of a wild bird. Ecology and Evolution.
Grecian WJ, Williams HJ, Votier SC, Bearhop S, Cleasby IR, Gremillet D, Hamer KC, Le Nuz M, Lescroel A, Newton J, Patrick SC, Phillips RA, Wakefield ED, Bodey TW. Individual Spatial Consistency and Dietary Flexibility in the Migratory Behavior of Northern Gannets Wintering in the Northeast Atlantic. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
Hicks O, Green JA, Daunt F, Cunningham EJA, Newell M, Bulter A, Burthe SJ. Sublethal effects of natural parasitism act through maternal, but not paternal, reproductive success in a wild population. Ecology.
Trevail AM, Green JA, Sharples J, Polton, JA, Miller PI, Daunt F, Owen E, Bolton M, Colhoun K, Newton S, Robertson G, Patrick SC. Environmental heterogeneity decreases reproductive success via effects on foraging behaviour. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 286: 20190795.
Dunn RE, Wanless S, Green JA, Harris MP, Daunt F. Effects of body size, sex, parental care and moult strategies on auk diving behaviour outside the breeding season. Journal of Avian Biology.
Austin RE, De Pascalis F, Arnould,JPY, Haakonsson J, Votier SC, Ebanks-Petrie G, Austin T, Morgan G, Bennett G, Green JA. A sex-influenced flexible foraging strategy in a tropical seabird, the magnificent frigatebird. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 611:203-214.
Halsey LG, Green JA, Twiss SD, Arnold W, Burthe SJ, Butler PJ, Cooke SJ, Grémillet D, Ruf T, Hicks O, Minta KJ, Prystay TS, Wascher CAF, Careau V. Flexibility, variability and constraint in energy management patterns across vertebrate taxa revealed by long‐term heart rate measurements. Functional Ecology.
De Pascalis F, Collins PM, Green JA. Utility of time-lapse photography in studies of seabird ecology. PLOS ONE 13(12): e0208995.
Trevail AM, Green JA, Sharples J, Polton J, Arnould J, Patrick SC. Environmental heterogeneity amplifies behavioural response to a temporal cycle. Oikos, DOI: 10.1111/oik.05579
Jones TB, Patrick SC, Arnould JPY, Rodriquez-Malagon MA, Wells MR, Green JA. Evidence of sociality in the timing and location of foraging in a colonial seabird. Biology Letters 14: 20180214.
Dunn RE, White CR, Green JA. A model to estimate seabird field metabolic rates. Biology Letters 14(6): 20180190.
Hicks O, Burthe SJ, Daunt F, Newell M, Butler A, Ito M, Sato K, Green JA. The energetic cost of parasitism in a wild population. Proceedings of The Royal Society B 285 20180489
Warwick-Evans V, Atkinson PW, Walkington I, Green JA. Predicting the impacts of wind farms on seabirds: An individual-based model. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:503–515
Weimerskirch H, Filippi D p., Collet J, Waugh SM., Patrick SC. Use of radar detectors to track attendance of albatrosses at fishing vessels. Conservation Biology 32:240–245
Collet J, Patrick SC, Weimerskirch H. Behavioral responses to encounter of fishing boats in wandering albatrosses. Ecology and Evolution 7:3335–3347
Collet J, Patrick SC, Weimerskirch H. A comparative analysis of the behavioral response to fishing boats in two albatross species. Behavioral Ecololgy 28:1337–1347
Hicks O, Burthe S, Daunt F, Butler A, Bishop C, Green JA. Validating accelerometry estimates of energy expenditure across behaviours using heart rate data in a free-living seabird. Journal of Experimental Biology:jeb.152710
Howells RJ, Burthe SJ, Green JA, Harris MP, Newell MA, Butler A, Johns, David G., Carnell EJ, Wanless S, Daunt F. From days to decades: short- and long-term variation in environmental conditions affect offspring diet composition of a marine top predator. MEPS 583:227–242
Johnson KV-A, Aplin LM, Cole EF, Farine DR, Firth JA, Patrick SC, Sheldon BC. Male great tits assort by personality during the breeding season. Animal Behaviour 128:21–32
Patrick SC, Pinaud D, Weimerskirch H. Boldness predicts an individual’s position along an exploration–exploitation foraging trade-off. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:1257–1268
Patrick SC, Weimerskirch H. Reproductive success is driven by local site fidelity despite stronger specialisation by individuals for large-scale habitat preference. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:674–682
Votier SC, Fayet AL, Bearhop S, Bodey TW, Clark BL, Grecian J, Guilford T, Hamer KC, Jeglinski JWE, Morgan G, Wakefield E, Patrick SC. Effects of age and reproductive status on individual foraging site fidelity in a long-lived marine predator. Proceedings of The Royal Society B 284:20171068
Wakefield ED, Owen E, Baer J, Carroll MJ, Daunt F, Dodd SG, Green JA, Guilford T, Mavor RA, Miller PI, Newell MA, Newton SF, Robertson GS, Shoji A, Soanes LM, Votier SC, Wanless S, Bolton M. Breeding density, fine-scale tracking, and large-scale modeling reveal the regional distribution of four seabird species. Ecological Applications 27:2074–2091