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Seabird Ecology Group University of Liverpool
Previous Group Members
Jamie Duckworth 2018 - 2023
PhD: Behaviour and energetics of red-throated diver in relation to offshore windfarms
Sophie Bennett 2018 - 2023
PhD: Year-round importance of breeding sites for common guillemots Uria aalge
Lila Buckingham 2018 - 2022
PhD: Migration, energetics and non-breeding behaviour of seabirds
Jack Thorley 2021 - 2022
Post-doctoral Researcher: Causes and consequences of individual variation in foraging behaviour in wandering albatross
Lucia 2020 - 2021
Post-doctoral Researcher
Tommy Clay 2017-20
Postdoctoral Associate: Linking seabird movement and meteorological data
Ruth Dunn 2016-20
PhD: Annual cycles in the behaviour and energetics of North Atlantic seabirds
Steph Harris, 2016-20
PhD: Linking individual variation in foraging behaviour and personality in a polar seabird
Alice Carravieri, 2018-20
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship on the interactive effects of chemical contaminants and parasites on seabird.
Teri Jones, 2016-20
PhD: Individual variation in sociality and social foraging strategies in the Australasian gannet (Morus serrator)
Alice Trevail, 2015-19
PhD: Environmental drivers of the foraging ecology of black-legged kittiwakes
Rich Howells, 2014-19
PhD (based at UKCEH): European shag diet and demography at a North Sea colony over half a century of environmental change
Olivia Hicks, 2014-18
PhD : The costs and consequences of parasitism to a wild population: an energetics approach
Phil Collins, 2013-17
PhD (based at Roehampton University): The movement ecology of a breeding seabird: An investigation using accelerometry
Vicky Warwick-Evans, 2012-16
PhD on the potential interactions between seabirds and Marine Renewable Energy Installations (MREIs)
Louise Soanes, 2009-15
PhD: The foraging behaviour of seabirds: defining and predicting home range areas
Cat Horswill, 2010-15
PhD (based at Glasgow University): The relative important of opposing drivers in determining population change in macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus
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