Seabird Ecology Group University of Liverpool

Masters Students
Karl Busdieker (2018/2019)
"An investigation into the life history and foraging habits of a reintroduced white-tailed eagle population (Haliaeetus albicilla) in Scotland"
Undergraduate project (2016/2017: "Antarctic Petrel density affects the behaviour of its terrestrial predator, the South Polar skua"
Kate Hogan (2017/2018)
"The behavioural response of Atlantic puffins to human presence on Skomer Island"
Jessica George (2017/2018)
"Evaluating methods for seabird monitoring"
Abigail Mickelfield (2017/2018)
"Assessing the habitat use of a diving seabird in a dynamic environment"
Milena Cairo (2017/2018)
"Foraging effort of wandering albatrosses during the breeding season and their migration strategies"
William Bevan (2016/17)
"What factors influence the breeding ecology of European shags (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) on Puffin Island?"
Joseph Hanlon (2016/17)
"Developing monitoring and census methods for seabirds"
Wil Nixon (2016/17)
"The effect of wind turbine location on Seabird energy budgets"
Lea Brandes (2016/17)
"Identifying important marine areas for pinnipeds: a comparison of approaches"
Federico De Pascalis (2015/16)
"Boring but useful: A case study of time lapse photography"
Harriet Clark (2015/16)
"Can novel 3G-GPS tags reveal the foraging movements of an untracked seabird population with apparently nowhere to go?"
Mohit Mashar (2015/16)
"Studying the foraging and territorial behaviour of south polar skuas Catharacta maccormicki"
Ruth Dunn (2014/15)
"Black-legged kittiwakes as an ecological indicator: Can we link foraging behaviour, environmental variability and reproductive success?"
Nana Wei (2014/15)
"The nesting ecology of European shags at Puffin Island"
Sophie Barrell (2014/15)
"Movement of black-headed gulls (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) in winter: do their foraging habitats change?"
Naomi Harris (2014/15)
"Help the Humblodts"
Nikki Fairweather (2013/14)
"The nesting ecology of three sympatric gull species"
Paul Scott (2013/14)
"In consideration of black headed gull population status"
Katie Ferneyhough (2012/13)
"Assessing the short term effects of bio-loggers on the parental care behaviour of Black legged Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla)" & "The diving behaviour of Shags (Phalocrocorax aristotelis) at Puffin Island, Wales"
Lucy Ryan (2012/13)
"Weather conditions influence survival of overwintering Dunlin Calidris alpina in North Wales" & "High-tide Waterbird mapping in the Duddon Estuary, England"
Ruth Gaskell (2011/12)
"Mapping Seabird-fisheries interactions in the Irish Sea"
Alicia Imam (2010/11)
"Using artificial eggs to monitor incubation behaviour in birds: Pilot Study" & "The foraging behaviour of the European shag, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, at Puffin Island"
Beth Goddard (2009/10)
"Seabird Population Monitoring and Productivity at Puffin Island, Anglesey"