Seabird Ecology Group University of Liverpool

Lila Buckingham
I am interested in the migration, energetics and non-breeding behaviour of seabirds. My project involves tracking individuals from multiple breeding colonies around the north of the UK (see map on left), where we have collaborated with local ringing groups to deploy light-immersion loggers (geolocators) and time-depth recorders on two sympatrically-breeding auk species: the common guillemot and razorbill. This will increase our understanding of population- and individual-level movements, energetic spend and behaviour. Guillemots and razorbills are protected species and vulnerable to displacement through offshore development. I aim to identify key areas of use and energetic bottlenecks throughout the non-breeding season to inform the spatial planning process, helping the UK safely achieve its sustainable energy targets.
​I am based at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh and my project is a collaboration with UKCEH, the University of Liverpool and MacArthur Green, and funded by Vattenfall.